Healthy Hair Is Happier Hair

After 25+ years of straightening my hair, I started to embrace my curls in early Spring 2020

I had no idea what to expect, and I certainly didn’t know how to look after curly locks! I went down a rabbit hole of shampoos and conditioners and stylers and gels and cationic surfactants and polyquats and techniques..

I also added the term 'plopping' to my vocabulary...

It became abundantly clear that to get the best out of our hair we need to look after it and keep it as healthy as possible.

Early on, my research led me to swapping out my usual bathroom towels for a more hair-friendly option. I bought three, but they were too small. I tried T-shirts, a popular choice, but I found them awkward to use: I avoided microfibre towels altogether on environmental grounds. I couldn't find what I wanted so I set about creating it.

I knew I wanted Good Wash Day towels to be as versatile as possible–suitable for all hair types (who doesn’t want healthier hair!), beneficial to those experiencing hair loss, great for travel, the gym, the pool, yoga. Because they're so lightweight, comfortable and absorbent people really do use them in all of these ways.

Fun fact: each towel weighs just 138g - 3.5 times less than a similar sized terry towel (mine weigh 487g).

I wanted those with curly and wavy hair to be able to 'plop' with the towel (you can read about plopping here). I knew I didn’t want a turban shape with a button: with these your hair gets twisted around and around as you twist the turban. I don't recommend this (hair is most vulnerable when wet).

So, Good Wash Day towel wraps are the same shape (and the 'regulars' are a similar size) to regular towels (they also come in XL). They're made from a different fabric though - hair-kind organic jersey cotton. And due to their plethora of benefits, what started as a curly hair towel has become an any hair towel.

Products have come and gone, and I now understand what works for my hair and what doesn’t. I stick to the same few potions, repurchasing as and when required. But my towel? It’s a keeper.

I love hearing from customers, so if you have any questions, please do get in touch.

Warmest wishes,

Founder, Good Wash Day
